first time.. after so long.. im experiencing a temporary love high.. either to celebrate about it.. or not.. but after knowing her for just a week.. without seeing her.. without meeting her.. without ever knowing whether she could be a guy.. which is abit sick.. but i felt the in love mood.. crap..
i kept thinkin about that person.. i kept thinkin of the song she asked me to hear.. i kept listening to it.. over and over again.. crap.. this temporary love.. got stuck in my head.. i wanna meet her.. i wanna see her.. T_T
Check out Asia at night.. the lights that make the night of our world brighter..
Food i hate:
er.. if i eat it too much in a day or in a week.. i will hate it for a moment.. thats all.. other than that.. i'm fine with almost anything..
Fruit i hate:
er.. gotta admit.. i dont like eating my own fruit.. Jackfruit.. and nangka, and er.. i do eat mangosteen.. but now i find it.. weird.. i also dont like ciku, jambu air.. thats about it.. for fruits..
Veggies i hate:
Definitely.. petai.. the smellyness.. i tried to put one in my mouth.. but.. yuck.. i just swallow it.. no chewing.. no offence to petai lovers..
Celebrities or People I hate:
A question.. anyone loves Bush here?
Event/Incident/Situation I hate:
when i am stuck with the mere pennies in my wallet.. that's what i hate..
TV Shows or Movies i hate:
Horror movies.. dats about it.. and if the movie is tooo lame.. its becoming plain stupid.. it doesnt make me laugh anymore.. lol..
Type of music i hate:
gangsta rap.. annoying.. irritating.. and also.. emo rock songs.. makes me feel emo.. -_-
Household chores i hate:
er.. definitely.. washing clothes.. hanging wont be a prob.. just very marfan.. even though we have the washing machine.. we still need to differentiate.. white and non white..
Things i hate about this world:
we shud save the world.. not hate the world..
Things that i hate about myself:
bad habits.. dats about it..
I'm gonna end this tag.. mwahahahahahaha
thnx for reading..
Finally.. after waited for a year and a half.. it came to reality.. its hard to call everyone out.. but we manage to get more than half.. its better than not having it at all.. so.. to those who came.. THNX FOR COMING!!.. anywayz.. well.. the organizer supposedly wanted to organize the dinner in pantai seafood.. but his mother told him to tryout Syabu Syabu in SS2.. so.. ok la.. not bad la the food.. u basically put frozen food into ur boul of soup.. and eat it with some seaweed, and lots of eggs.. yea.. So anywayz.. here are the pics from everyone i received.. There are quite alot of pics.. so im just gonna show u not all.. but most la.. i look weird in all the photos im in.. sad.. dont ask me to be in pics.. i spoil ur photos.. lol.. spotting almost the same shirt.. same color.. timer pic.. i was blur.. so not fast enough.. haha ok.. perfect picture!! after everyone left.. a few left back to go dream park.. then mamak.. then sleep.. The list of people who didnt make it.. Anna, boon liang, krystal, suk wein, boon woei, szu huei, the malay girls and somemore whoelse ar.. -_- those who didnt come.. u all know wat to do la.. dont FFK.. thnx remember!! 5 years from now.. hotel buffet!! i organize!!Feasting.. u see the table is messy.. this shows us.. humans.. monsters in eating.
me, wei wen and you jin.. the far right.. kenneth how.. he didnt eat.. but he made it..
left clockwise.. matthew.. kenneth how, see leong, yee jiun, tsu peng, ai ling, lee ping, huey lin and jian sheng.. our not so efficient class monitor..
look at the amount of prawns ate by 1 person.. -_-" high cholesterol sia.. anywayz.. after that we moved on to McDs Centerpoint.. lazy to think of another place to chill.. pics for syabu syabu was lesser becoz everybody busy makan..
Praise God i'm alive!.. Praise God i'm living in righteousness!! Praise God for His everlasting Love and Grace! that i'm here standing today.. living.. and breathing..
2 a.m. in the morning.. i shud be sleeping.. but why? why am i awake.. all this while.. All my life as a christian.. all i did.. was condemning myself.. was awaring of my sins.. all my life.. what i did after Christ died for me.. i was still.. living in guilt, in fear, in condemnation.. in SIN!!..
but after so long.. God has been gracious.. thnx to a good friend of mine, Ken Cheong.. who lend me this CD from pastor Joseph Prince.. Finally, i understood.. what is righteousness.. what it means to be living in Christ Jesus..
What is righteousness.. in greek.. it means.. Clearness of Guilt.. which means.. we are cleared of all means of guiltness.. aka Sin, sin is not just about.. killing or stealing or lying.. when we think of sin.. it makes us sin conscious.. when we are sin conscious.. we start to fear, worry, and guilty over what we have done.. like cheated others.. or say something wrongly that offended others.. or when i lie.. then.. next time.. ppl will cheat me back..
So.. if i relate it back to "karma" which means, if i do good i get good things back, if i do bad things, i get back bad stuff, this mentality.. is good.. but when we do bad things.. like lying.. poof.. we will worry.. worry about what.. oh dis will lead to judgement in Hell.. whatever sins we have committed.. yea.. we will get that down there.. oh yea.. and its gonna be pain.. we will also worry about.. shit.. if i lie to my parents.. consequences are.. my parents wont trust me ever again..
Sure.. when we sin.. we are to pay for our consequences on earth, coz we have the law of the government, public law.. but down there.. IT IS FINISHED.. It is been fully paid.. paid by whom? Jesus Christ.. (Romans 3:25) for God has presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood, he demonstrated justice, because in his forebearance (exercise of patience) he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished - he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
If God were to be fair.. everyone will perish and burn in hell.. but Jesus came to bring life.. life in its abundance.. and be set free of the slavery of sin.. and those who are free are free indeed.. by dying on the cross.. God is fair by placing him judgement on the sins of all mankind on him.. so that we may exchange his righteousness.. a place in heaven..
Jesus.. who was born through virgin Mary, son of God, died on the cross.. exchanged our sins.. so that.. we exchanged His righteousness in God. an as an exchange for our sins.. He bore the penalty, the judgement of God so that.. through his righteousness.. we deserve blessings, health, prosperity, favor, everything good in this world plus everlasting life.. not only that, He gave us the holy spirit, and power over the evil one, who comes to steal, kill and destroy our mindset, our blessings.. And by his blood on the cross, we are covered from the head to the toe.. of every curses, bondages and every work of the evil one.
How did Jesus proved God's blessings, and whenever God promises something.. he will do it.. be it judgement or blessings. the parable of the prodigal son ( Mark 15:11 to 32), which Jesus told to the crowd, in it.. this father has 2 sons.. one.. who is a good boy.. does everything the father told, works hard.. the other son, useless, after gotten half of his father's inheritance, he spent all in prostitutes, gambling and left without money.. he was force to work in a pig sty, where he gets hungry.. And when he decided that he should return home, coz even his father's servants have food to eat and clothes to wear.. when he came home, not only his father didnt punish him, or banish him, his father held him a banquet, dressed him in new robe, gave him a ring, and killed a fatten calf for him... His goody brother? gets nothing and stands aside and see his brother's party.. and complains.. So.. God is like the father, even though after what we have done.. God already.. gracious enough.. to forgive.. forget.. and bless us again.. For He first loved us.. not necessary we must do good to get good stuff in return..
Now i can say that.. even though i sin.. i will still receive my blessings, my inheritance from God.. but when i'm sin conscious.. i will lose it.. for fear takes control of my mind.. but when i know.. that while i sin.. I have the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, sin already lost its power after the death of Jesus Christ, and the resurrection of Jesus, ensures our blessings.. that he didnt die in vain..
And when we know that God blesses us.. do we still wanna sin? when ppl do something good to u.. do u wanna wanna wack him? or betray him? i'm sure we will be thankful.. we will tell others of how good is he.. and giving him the utmost respect.. and follow in his footsteps in doing good as well..
Why am i saying this.. if i dont.. then.. i will be wrong.. for robbing everyone that i know of his blessings.. of his inheritance with God.. of what Christ has in store for everyone.. Don't u wanna be successful in life? dont u wanna have money.. have great family.. And its so easy.. to get all those things.. by just.. believing that Christ has already died and fully paid all your sins on the cross...
And this is just part of it.. u haven even know what blessings the bible are in store for us.. what God has promised..
Thnx for reading.. God bless..
[[About Me]]
I do not deserve all this,
but im here standing.
not becoz of my efforts,
but through His grace
This is my cry,
My one desire,
Is to be where you are Lord;
Now and forever.
[[Music's Playing]]
Artist: Maroon 5
Song: Makes Me Wonder
[[My History]]
|August 2006|September 2006|October 2006|November 2006|December 2006|January 2007|February 2007|March 2007|April 2007|May 2007|June 2007|July 2007|August 2007|September 2007|October 2007|November 2007|December 2007|January 2008
[[The Conversations]]
[[Friend's link]]
jea hau|
|mei yii/cgleader|